

Merry Christmas!!

Hi guys,

Today's 28 of December and last 24 here in Catalunya we have one tradition; el Tió.
Here these day is very special for all of children because we put one trunk (with his face, eyes, nose, legs... and one red "barretina"(can you see the image)) and put food and drink as if it was alive.
This tradition started when we haven't got heating and we only have (fire of land). We were putting trunks in the fire because we had cold. But this trunk with time evolved and now is like that..
In one moment we make shit to the trunk successively, hitting to the "tió". On 8 of december we start to give it some food and we cover it with one blanket. The tió likes teh same food that to the animals: carob, pumpkin, etc and vegetablis.

Before in 25 of December (the night of NADAL) the people were putting the tió in the fire because the tió had to shit when it was lit. But nowadays in the house doesn't have fire and we don't put the tió in the fire, now we put the tió in the floor.

In the tradition the tió don't shit a gif things but it shit some sweets or the handstand for the crib but also shit things small food; spanish nougat. For demostrate that he doesn't want to shit more, he shit one sardine well salty, a garlic, onion, or he peet in the floor.

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