The mankind in general thinks that genetic research will become an improvement for disiases, a augnent of food etc. And other as
religios sekts. In addition, also is very important for cloniy organs, that these contribute to overcome lifes. In near future thsese will can helps a some people with heart problems or people qith smokink problems that her lungs will be changed for cloned lungs. thinks that these should be hand baned,
religios sekts. In addition, also is very important for cloniy organs, that these contribute to overcome lifes. In near future thsese will can helps a some people with heart problems or people qith smokink problems that her lungs will be changed for cloned lungs. thinks that these should be hand baned,
In my opinion, genetic research is mankind progress and the future of our society.
Firstly, genetic research generate more food and more shipper. consequently of these dicreare global faminy. For example, mor amout of fruit trees ans vegetables.
In addition, also it is very important for cloniy organs, that contribute to
overcome dangerouse health problems. In near future thsese will can help a some people lungs from people with problems can be changed for a cloned organ.
overcome dangerouse health problems. In near future thsese will can help a some people lungs from people with problems can be changed for a cloned organ.
And the other diseases will be detected before born.
For conclude, i am agree with genetic research for logincs and humans reasons. If the results of their research are good, the mankind will become better.
3 comentarios:
My friend and I were recently discussing about how we as a society are so hooked onto electronics. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory drops, the possibility of transferring our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about every once in a while.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]nintendo dsi r4i[/url] DS BB)
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